I have heard that pregnant women shouldn't be near a cat's litter box, but other than that, I don't know. Sorry not much help on that one.

I think a PICC line runs into the chest because it goes directly into one of the arteries. That is why it can stay in place for a long time. Regular IV lines put in the hand and wrist area need to be changed every few days. They can get infected more easily and the veins can collapse if left in too long.

Some people are given a Mediport or Hickman. They are similar to the PICC in that they go directly into an artery, but they are placed in the chest instead of the arm. It is more complicated to place them and usually requires a trip to the OR to be placed by a doctor, whereas a PICC can be placed by a member of an IV team.

Brian, if my memory is foggy and I have messed up any of the facts, please correct me. wink


Was primary caregiver to my daughter Heather who had stage IV base of tongue SCC w/ primary recurrence. Original diagnosis August 21st, 2002. Primary recurrence March 18th, 2003. Died October 6th, 2003.