Thank you all!! Much appreciated. The surgery went well except for a minor complication of a hole that was opened up during the surgery. It has since healed and closed.

The stay at the hospital was longer than expected because his neck and arm got viral infection. It has since been reduced. Although the opening in his neck (where they took out the lymph nodes) had to be opened up more to let the pus out and stop the drainage issue.

Pathology report came back and indicated that there were three lymph nodes in his neck that were affected. Radiation to commence in the next little while. I'm wondering would they do radiation on a spot where the skin has not fully closed up? Something I would need to ask the radiation specialist..

He also passed the swallow test "with flying colors" (his own words) so he's drinking lots of boost and will start to eat bits of fish tomorrow.

It's fortunate that other than the bleeding on his arm and neck, he's for the most part, functioning like how he was before the surgery.

I'm wondering what would be the cause of occurrence of cancer cells? If all the lymph nodes on the left side and the primary on his tongue have been taken out, would it now be diet that would be a major cause of the occurrence? hopefully it's not stress due to the caregiver... :S

wishing you all the best!