Hi, thanks so much All for your replies!
David - the Primary is on the left side of his tongue (top and side). Measurement is 11mm and depth is considered deep. Doctor didn't tell us how deep but that it was deep. Also not sure about the size of the cancer on his lymph nodes but that they're there..
No, he is not a tobacco user and doesn't drink.

David 2 - doc didn't mention the specific surgery.. just that a the Primary would be removed, as well as a neck dissection to take out the lymph nodes and then taking some skin from his wrist to cover the neck dissection part. He didn't recommend chemo or radiotherapy but that surgery operation would be more successful in killing the cancer cells. Not sure if it's due to age (hubby's almost 40). He's expected to be followed up every 2 months and see if there's a need for chemo or radiation.

Zengalib - i'm not sure if he'll have chemo or rad.. We're going to cancer agency this coming week. hopefully we will know more. I think we were both shocked that we didn't really know what to ask and just signed up for the operation as early as possible. It does sound very similar to yours. Glad to hear you had 4 clear scans!