No! This is absolute f!%@ng!!! bullsh@t!

Someone needs to really challenge these tobacco companies ok! As said in another post the OC patients are getting younger, and I am finding more and more that are or were smokers. CHRISTINE! You are a goddess, you know the people at TRUTH and as a conspiracy theorist and MJ user myself I think tobacco companies are doing whatever it takes, even if it means adding more crap to their recipe of destruction.

Samantha, you kick ass! My doctors came to the conclusion that it was my smoking and heavy drinking that caused this. Is there enough research on energy drinks as well, just knowing more younger folk drink em, as I used to, even with my vodka. I so wish we could cause the downfall of their products, flavored this and that, friggin rappers promoting for them. It sickens me, and I wish would have stopped. Between my love Korinne, family and a very bold message from Christine, I QUIT! I even held on to one last smoke for a while and was convinced by the OCF to flush it, and I did. Samantha, youre tougher than I am...F%@K Cancer!!! You can follow my journey on youtube as well if you care to, Cancer Fight Log. I was 27 at Dx, get the list from Christine, you can friend the most of us on FB.

Your Friend,

SCC left lateral tongue, left neck dissection. 2 nodes positive. 3 All Clear then ITS BACK 8/23/11 Shows 1cm in tongue in CT SCAN, Radial Free Arm Flap with Radical Neck Dissection 9/20/11 , All Nodes Negative, But Tongue Tumor Poorly Differentiated. Awaiting next step in treatment on 10/5/11... RIP Nate 7/28/12