Hi David,
That's what they said, but Martin has lost all faith in the doctors, so it's nice to hear it from someone else. I'll make sure I tell him. It might reassure him.
You know what? I am so glad I found this website. I have more support and comfort from all of you than anyone at the Marsden or St George. Here we are people all in the same boat, over there you are a number and a statistic.
I feel I have made friends here.
Thank you so much.

Girlfriend to Martin 49 years old at diagnosis
Diagnosed with SCC unknown primary June 2008.
Cancer found in single node Stage N2A (3 to 6cm).
Tonsilectomy 16th june, Radical modified neck dissection left side 30th june.
30 TX radiotherapy ended 9th October
First comparative study scan came back clear