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n74tg #176385 01-11-2014 04:33 PM
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Paul - I was radiated both sides, more on tumor side of course, as right side basically got no sunburn. And all my mucositis is left side, adjacent to where the largest tooth fillings are, even though I used double dental rolls between teeth and tongue everyday.

Tony, 69, non-smoker, aerobatics pilot, bridge player/teacher, avid dancer (ballroom, latin, swing, country)

09/13 SCC, HPV 16, tonsillectomy, T2N0.
11/13 start rads, no chemo
12/13 taste gone, dry mouth,
02/14 hair slowly returning
05/14 taste the same, dry sinuses, irrigation helps.
01/15 food taste about 60% returned, dry sinuses are worse in winter.
12/20 no more sinus problems, taste pretty good

n74tg #176400 01-12-2014 07:23 AM
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That's fantastic! Maybe the dental rolls helped? I did radiation alone, bilaterally, my first go, and after the 2nd week, relied on the tube after mucocitis, thrush kicked in, and used the tube for about 7 months, although I think, well was, already compromised from chemo, a year prior. My burns weren't that bad, and used Aquaphor. Currently using Cetaphil. .

10/09 T1N2bM0 Tonsil
11/09 Taxo Cisp 5-FU, 6 Months Hosp
01/11 35 IMRT 70Gy 7 Wks
06/11 30 HBO
08/11 RND PNI
08/12 RND Pec Flap IORT 12 Gy
10/12 25 IMRT 50Gy 6 Wks Taxo Erbitux
10/13 SND
10/13 TBO/Angiograph
10/13 RND Carotid Remove IORT 10Gy PNI
12/13 25 Protons 50Gy 6 Wks Carbo
11/14 All Teeth Extract 30 HBO
03/15 Sequestromy Buccal Flap ORN
09/16 Mandibulectomy Fib Flap Sternotomy
04/17 Regraft hypergranulation Donor Site
06/17 Heart Attack Stent
02/19 Finally Cancer Free Took 10 yrs

n74tg #176497 01-14-2014 09:45 PM
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How long have you guys seen mucositis last after treatment? I got it one week before treatment ended and still have it going on 3 weeks post treatment.

It's only in one area, left side of tongue toward the back of mouth, beside my molars.


Last edited by n74tg; 01-14-2014 09:46 PM.

Tony, 69, non-smoker, aerobatics pilot, bridge player/teacher, avid dancer (ballroom, latin, swing, country)

09/13 SCC, HPV 16, tonsillectomy, T2N0.
11/13 start rads, no chemo
12/13 taste gone, dry mouth,
02/14 hair slowly returning
05/14 taste the same, dry sinuses, irrigation helps.
01/15 food taste about 60% returned, dry sinuses are worse in winter.
12/20 no more sinus problems, taste pretty good

n74tg #176605 01-17-2014 05:25 AM
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Three Weeks Post Treatment - Things continue to improve slowly.

Neck sunburn - on left side of neck is for all intents gone. Sometimes I forget to use Aquaphor, but I seldom miss more than one day. The skin feels normal to the touch.

Hair loss on back of neck - still there. It doesn't look like it's started to come back yet.

Weight - after losing several more pounds in first two weeks post treatment the weight loss stopped this week and I actually came back up a pound or two. That's probably because I'm eating two meals of regular food a day now and Ensure pretty much only at lunch. It helps that I bought a good digital scale, weigh daily and keep a written log.

Taste - another cancer survivor told me taste will return like this; you can taste the first bite, but after that it goes away again. Sure enough she was right, but ohhh, that first bite of dessert tasted SO good.

Mucositis - I think the mucositis is going away, but it's been replaced with another case of that viral cheek infection that I had at beginning of treatment, the one that makes your mouth taste like your sucking on a copper penny. Before, it wasn't bacterial as nothing grew on the culture. It is a little painful, but not as bad as the mucositis was. I still use lidocaine as a swish (no swallow), but I don't have to use it as often now.

Rope mucous - still got that too. I thought it was getting better, but it came back. It feels like my sinuses drain into throat and then dry into a hard lump. Gargling with warm water helps soften it some so I can hack and spit, but it takes LOT of hacking to get it all out. I've gone back to using Mucinex daily to help with that.

Things are getting better slowly, I suppose the big change this week was going back to eating regular food, though most of it I still can't taste. I guess I just got tired of so much Ensure.

Tony, 69, non-smoker, aerobatics pilot, bridge player/teacher, avid dancer (ballroom, latin, swing, country)

09/13 SCC, HPV 16, tonsillectomy, T2N0.
11/13 start rads, no chemo
12/13 taste gone, dry mouth,
02/14 hair slowly returning
05/14 taste the same, dry sinuses, irrigation helps.
01/15 food taste about 60% returned, dry sinuses are worse in winter.
12/20 no more sinus problems, taste pretty good

n74tg #176611 01-17-2014 07:46 AM
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Try swapping the Ensure for whey protein powder. It has as much calories and much better for your body to repair itself. Proteins are the building blocks of your body. Look at the Ensure, most of it is carbs but some are somewhat balanced.

Just like any bodybuilder gains mass and muscle with protein, carbs provide fuel but protein are the building materials.

All through treatment your body is under assault and extra protein is what it needs the most.

Glad things are progressing well for you.


Male, 57 - Great health except C
Dec '12
DX: BOT SCC T2N2bMx, Stage 4a, HPV+, multiple nodes
1 tooth out
Jan '13
2nd tooth out
Tumor Board -induction TPF (3 cycles), seq CRT
CRT 70gr 2x35, weekly carbo150
ended 5/29,6/4
All the details, join at
n74tg #176612 01-17-2014 07:48 AM
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Keep up the good work!

For at least the next full year you should take in the daily minimums to help your body with recovery. The sense of taste is a funny thing, it will come and go. One day you will discover a new food that you can actually taste and the next day that same food is the worst thing you ever tasted. In time you will gradually regain your ability to taste more than a couple bites.

Hows your energy level?

SCC 6/15/07 L chk & by L molar both Stag I, age44
2x cispltn-35 IMRT end 9/27/07
-65 lbs in 2 mo, no caregvr
Clear PET 1/08
4/4/08 recur L chk Stag I
surg 4/16/08 clr marg
215 HBO dives
3/09 teeth out, trismus
7/2/09 recur, Stg IV
8/24/09 trach, ND, mandiblctmy
3wks medicly inducd coma
2 mo xtended hospital stay, ICU & burn unit
PICC line IV antibx 8 mo
10/4/10, 2/14/11 reconst surg
OC 3x in 3 years
very happy to be alive smile
n74tg #176630 01-17-2014 03:22 PM
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Hi Christine:
My energy level is as good, it was also good all throughout treatment. I still take a nap every day, but only one.

I'll try switching to the whey protein powder some.


Tony, 69, non-smoker, aerobatics pilot, bridge player/teacher, avid dancer (ballroom, latin, swing, country)

09/13 SCC, HPV 16, tonsillectomy, T2N0.
11/13 start rads, no chemo
12/13 taste gone, dry mouth,
02/14 hair slowly returning
05/14 taste the same, dry sinuses, irrigation helps.
01/15 food taste about 60% returned, dry sinuses are worse in winter.
12/20 no more sinus problems, taste pretty good

n74tg #176631 01-17-2014 04:15 PM
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Hang in there! Tim is saying that his taste buds are back at about 50%. He is trying EVERYTHING and the wonderful look of surprise on his face when he actually can taste it is priceless!! Looks like you too have had similar treatment experiences so I thought this would be of encouragement. Around December 19th he decided to load up his plate with bites of many different food, and much to his surprise he could taste many! Each week it seems just a little better! Still has an ensure shake once a day to keep healthy! He still has the dry mouth problem but it too is getting better!

Caregiver to Tim(Best friend and love of my life)55 years young!!
Small BOT SCC (HPV+) with mets to 2 large and 1 "cluster" of right neck lymph nodes. DX 7/2013
Treatment started 8/2013. Completed 10/9/2013 IMRT 70GY over 31 days X2. Cisplatin X3 No PEG.
PET Scan 1/15/2014 NO Evidence of Disease
5/18/2015 NED with follow up visits to oncologist and Radiation oncologist every 3 months.
Cautiously Optimistic and starting on the journey to recovery!
n74tg #176853 01-23-2014 08:29 PM
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Four Weeks Post Treatment- Tomorrow is 4 weeks since last treatment. It will be a busy day so I'm writing this the night before. Everything continues to improve.

Skin burns on neck - are gone, back to normal appearance, been wearing shirts with collars now for 2 weeks.

Mucositis - hasn't been bad this week, much improved over last week; haven't needed any lidocaine in maybe 3-4 days.
Still have that copper penny taste in the mouth, particularly after eating, but a tooth brushing takes care of it.

Rope Mucous - still have some of that, but it's not as bad as it was. I think that Mucinex tablet every morning is helping with it nicely.

Taste - I think some taste is coming back, enough to make me want to eat normal food all meals now. Haven't had an Ensure in maybe 3 days. And with eating normal food the weight is coming back, have gained maybe 3 pounds since last Friday.

Things are improving nicely, have my 30 day checkup with the RO on Monday.

I hope all of you have a great weekend, temp is going down to 11 tonight, so it will be cold tomorrow, but I won't miss opportunities to go to dance club.


Last edited by n74tg; 01-23-2014 08:31 PM.

Tony, 69, non-smoker, aerobatics pilot, bridge player/teacher, avid dancer (ballroom, latin, swing, country)

09/13 SCC, HPV 16, tonsillectomy, T2N0.
11/13 start rads, no chemo
12/13 taste gone, dry mouth,
02/14 hair slowly returning
05/14 taste the same, dry sinuses, irrigation helps.
01/15 food taste about 60% returned, dry sinuses are worse in winter.
12/20 no more sinus problems, taste pretty good

n74tg #176866 01-24-2014 06:48 AM
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sounds good.


Age 58 at Dx, HPV16+ SCC, Stage IV BOT+2 nodes, non smoker, casual drinker, exercise nut, Cisplatin x 3 & concurrent IMRT x 35,(70 Gy), no surgery, no Peg, Tx at Moffitt over Aug 06. Jun 07, back to riding my bike 100 miles a wk. Now doing 12 Spin classes and 60 outdoor miles per wk. Nov 13 completed Hilly Century ride for Cancer, 104 miles, 1st Place in my age group. Apr 2014 & 15, Spun for 9 straight hrs to raise $$ for YMCA's Livestrong Program. Certified Spin Instructor Jun 2014.
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