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#127956 01-16-2011 10:19 PM
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Hi Everyone: I am new to this site. I was diagnosed last month with stage-4 base of tongue cancer. I have been working with a cancer center close to my house but have a consultation at Dana-Farber in two days. I am pretty scared but have a lot of support: my partner, our three kids, family, friends, work. I am nervous that the doctors at Dana-Farber will recommend a different treatment plan. What do you do in that case? -Michelle

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Hi Michelle, I'm not familiar with Dana-Farber so can't be of much use in that regard but I'm sure the other guys here will offer you heaps of advice. My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 SCC almost 2 years ago now. It had spread to his lymph glands and jaw bone. I'm happy to say that 17 months out of treatment he's still cancer free. He had 35 IMRT sessions and 3x cisplatin. No surgery as we were advised the cancer was too far advanced. One hospital wouldn't do surgery and the other offered it but when told of the after effects and quality of life he would have afterwards we opted to not have it. I suppose when it comes to different treatment options you just have to research each one (ask lots and lots of questions) and then work out what's best for you. Hopefully the other guys on here will be able to offer you more help. Either way I'm glad you found us all. Here you will find the best support network.

Wife to Steve 43. DX 5 May 09. T4N2MO SCC tongue, floor of mouth, lymph nodes & jaw bone
No surgery
Teeth removed 06/07/2009
radiation 13/07/2009 x 7wks
chemo 15/07/2009 x 3 Cisplatin
last TX 28/08/2009
25/11/2009 PET-lymph node activity.
08/01/2010 CT Scan-ALL CLEAR
03/03/2010-Peg removed
01/2013 left side of Jaw removed and replaced with pectoral flap.
23/12/2020 scan show lesion in tongue
01/2021 SCC stage 3 base of tongue diagnosed
01/03/2021 chemotherapy started.
WendyG #127967 01-17-2011 06:57 AM
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Are/were you a tobacco user?

If not make sure you ask them about HPV.

Stage IV with BOT, that's an unusual Dx without nodal involvement.


Age 58 at Dx, HPV16+ SCC, Stage IV BOT+2 nodes, non smoker, casual drinker, exercise nut, Cisplatin x 3 & concurrent IMRT x 35,(70 Gy), no surgery, no Peg, Tx at Moffitt over Aug 06. Jun 07, back to riding my bike 100 miles a wk. Now doing 12 Spin classes and 60 outdoor miles per wk. Nov 13 completed Hilly Century ride for Cancer, 104 miles, 1st Place in my age group. Apr 2014 & 15, Spun for 9 straight hrs to raise $$ for YMCA's Livestrong Program. Certified Spin Instructor Jun 2014.
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I was treated at Dana-Farber and I think you'll find the doctors & nurses there to be absolutely top notch! If you do get a different treatment plan recommendation, don't be hesitant to ask them why and take all the time you need to get satisfactory answers. My doctors there were never too busy to not answer all my questions or address my concerns.

My experience is they will take the more aggressive treatment path, at least they did with me and will do what needs to be done to a) keep the cancer from ever coming back and b) maintain as good a quality of life as can be achieved.

I think the most important thing, and this is true wherever you are treated, is the best advocate you have is yourself. No one else has as much to gain or lose from your treatment as you do. Ask questions, challenge decisions if they don't make sense and don't let yourself become a passive observer of your care. You have to know what's going on and why.

- Margaret

Stage IV SCC lt lateral tongue, surgery 5/19/08 (partial gloss/upper neck dissection left side/radial free flap reconstruction) IMRT w/weekly Cisplatin & Erbitux 6/30/08, PEG 1 6/12/08 - out 7/14 (in abdominal wall, not stomach), PEG 2 7/23/08 - out 11/20/08, Tx done 8/18/08
Second SCC tumor, Stage 1, rt mobile tongue, removed 10/18/2016, right neck dissection 12/9/2016
Third SCC tumor, diagnosed, 4/19/2108, rt submandibular mass, HPV-, IMRT w/ weekly Cisplatin, 5/9 - 6/25/2018, PEG 3 5/31/2018
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Michele, welcome to OCF. You will find lots of info to help guide you thru your journey. There will be lots of support as well. I dont know the other cancer center you have gone to but I do know Dana Farber is top rated. This is very important. You will want to be treated at a large cancer center where the doctors will consult with each other. They will have experience in treating hundreds of oral cancer patients instead of a handful a year. It is a tough decision to make but it is the most important one in your life. A place that offers what sounds like an easy way to treat cancer may not be the best place to rid you of it for good.

Right now if people are asking you what they can do, write down their name and number and tell them you will let them know when the time comes. You will need help later. Even if its to pick up a few groceries, walk the dog or stop at the pharmacy. If you have children then maybe a friend could take them out to the movies to give you a few hours of quiet. Small things like that will mean alot to you when you arent feeling the best.

Right now you should be eating everything you want and then have seconds. Make sure you have all your favorites. You dont want to go into this with regrets. For a while your sense of taste will change. Dont worry, its only temporary. Also dont worry about weight gain right now. Gaining a few pounds will make it easier for you since most of us lose weight no matter what treatment path we take. I lost 65 pounds and have not gained it back and I began this 3 1/2 years ago.

So tell us more about yourself. How old are you? You can add a signature which is very helpful in getting to know you. Its the block at the bottom of the page under the My Stuff tab.

SCC 6/15/07 L chk & by L molar both Stag I, age44
2x cispltn-35 IMRT end 9/27/07
-65 lbs in 2 mo, no caregvr
Clear PET 1/08
4/4/08 recur L chk Stag I
surg 4/16/08 clr marg
215 HBO dives
3/09 teeth out, trismus
7/2/09 recur, Stg IV
8/24/09 trach, ND, mandiblctmy
3wks medicly inducd coma
2 mo xtended hospital stay, ICU & burn unit
PICC line IV antibx 8 mo
10/4/10, 2/14/11 reconst surg
OC 3x in 3 years
very happy to be alive smile
WendyG #127989 01-17-2011 10:33 AM
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Thanks so much, Wendy. I appreciate your feedback. I think my treatment plan is similar to your husband's: 7 weeks of radiation; three treatments of chemotherapy. No surgery unless the radiation doesn't shrink the tumor. This is what Baystate in Springfield, MA has recommended. We've been told that Dana Farber likes to add something called chemo-induction therapy, but I will know more tomorrow. Congrats that treatment has gone so well for your husband. I will check in to know more as he continues on his path toward wellness. When I see what's ahead of me everyone who is even half a step further along than me is my hero. Best, Michelle

SCC left tonsil, stage IV, HPV+, metastatic to one lymph node. Biopsy 12/23/10; tonsillectomy 1/13/11; DX 1/25/11; Peg in 1/28/11. Peg out 6/29. TX 1/31/11-3/21/11: 35 IMRT plus 3 Cisplatin. Pet-Scan 6/20/11 = CLEAR! Three years out, learning to live with the long-term side effects of radiation while reminding myself to feel blessed.
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Thanks, Christine, for taking the time to reply to my post. I will add to my signature. It is nice to get the low-down on people right off the bat. I am seeing that as I read other people's posts. I am 48, a professor at a community college, mother of three (twin boys 4 and a 9 year old daughter). My partner has been amazing; I am grateful to her. It's so trite to say, but I can't believe this is happening to me. About an hour ago, as I was reading people's posts on the feeding tube, which I get put in on Friday, I kept saying to myself, "I can't do this," but then reading other posts, I knew I could. This forum is a new thing for me; I barely do facebook, but I think I am going to like it. Thanks again for reaching out to me. -Michelle

SCC left tonsil, stage IV, HPV+, metastatic to one lymph node. Biopsy 12/23/10; tonsillectomy 1/13/11; DX 1/25/11; Peg in 1/28/11. Peg out 6/29. TX 1/31/11-3/21/11: 35 IMRT plus 3 Cisplatin. Pet-Scan 6/20/11 = CLEAR! Three years out, learning to live with the long-term side effects of radiation while reminding myself to feel blessed.
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Hi David: Does nodal involvement mean the same as metastatic to lymph node? That's what sent me to the doctors in the first place, a painless bump on my neck, which was the enlarged lymph node. When they biopsied it in December, they saw squamous cells. First they called what I have squamous cell carcinoma, then oropharangeal cancer, now base of tongue cancer. And yes, the primary tumor on the base of tongue is HPV positive. I am told this is a good thing, since HPV positive tumors respond well to treatment. I am learning so many new words; it's like a whole new language. I don't yet know the abbreviations, but that will come. -Michelle

SCC left tonsil, stage IV, HPV+, metastatic to one lymph node. Biopsy 12/23/10; tonsillectomy 1/13/11; DX 1/25/11; Peg in 1/28/11. Peg out 6/29. TX 1/31/11-3/21/11: 35 IMRT plus 3 Cisplatin. Pet-Scan 6/20/11 = CLEAR! Three years out, learning to live with the long-term side effects of radiation while reminding myself to feel blessed.
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Michelle, I add my welcome and best thoughts. I know Dana Farber is highly regarded, and you've got a great support network (including all of us here) and a positive attitude. You're going to get through this!

David 2

David 2
SCC of occult origin 1/09 (age 55)| Stage III TXN1M0 | HPV 16+, non-smoker, moderate drinker | Modified radical neck dissection 3/09 | 31 days IMRT finished 6/09 | Hit 15 years all clear in 6/24 | Radiation Fibrosis Syndrome kicked in a few years after treatment and has been progressing since | Prostate cancer diagnosis 10/18
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Hi Michelle Ann, welcome but sorry you have to be here. My husband's diagnosis sounds similar to yours. He had weekly Cisplatin instead of the does of three. Like Christine said, eat everything in sight to put some pounds on before treatments start. John reluctantly had the PEG placed before treatments started convinced he wouldn't need it. He started using it around week 3 and even with it in lost 30 lbs. Hydration and nutrition are very important while you are going through treatments. You have found a great source of support and information. Good luck. As you can see from my signature, John was diagnosed 2 years ago and is doing great!

PS - It sounds like your cancer presented just like my husbands'. He had no other symptoms except for a non-painful lump in his neck. A CT Scan showed thickening tissue at the "base of tongue" and when the ENT withdrew fluid from the lump it came back malignant. My husband's tumor was also HPV+ which is supposed to be good since it responds better to treatments.

Last edited by slim; 01-17-2011 10:54 AM. Reason: content

Wanda (47) caregiver to husband John (56) age at diag.(2009)
1-13-09 diagnosed Stage IV BOT SCC (HPV+)
2-12-09 PEG placed, 7-6-09 removed
Cisplatin 7 weeks, 7 weeks (35) IMRT
4-15-09 - treatment completed
8-09,12-09-CT Scans clear, 4-10,6-11-PET Scans clear
4-2013 - HBO (30 dives) tooth extraction
10-2019 - tooth extraction, HBO (10 dives)
11-2019 - Left lateral tongue SCC - Stage 2
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