Hi Cindy, Congratulations on the one yr mark, that is exellent there is no sign of cancer after one yr. The majority of recurrances will happen in the first 2 yrs, so your already half way there.
I was diagnosed with Nasopharyngeal cancer, Which is behind the nasal cavity with similar outcomes.It developed when my immune system was extremly weak fighting off leukemia for 18 months. I thought if I can live 5 yrs I'll be the luckiest S.O.B. of all time. Well I,m 9yrs(leukemia) and 7 yrs. (Nasopharynx).
I hope you continue to have clean scans, best of luck.
Always, Mark

Mark D. Stage 3 Nasopharynx dx10/99 T2N3M0 40xrad 2x Cisplatin 5FU. acute leuk 1998.