My family is currently facing a very difficult decision. My 24 year old sister has had 6 weeks of induction chemo, then modified radical neck dissection and 1/4 of the tongue removed. Our surgeon told us no radiation was necessary. My sister's response to the induction chemo was extremely good. The surgical pathology report was 'negative for tumor' in all areas, minus one slide on the tongue (this section was removed). The MO and RO favor radiation, but "regretfully" because of her age. When the Head and Neck center team (@ MD Anderson) met to discuss the case, they were split 50/50.
I understand the logic of doing the radiation. (They are talking of radiating the bilateral neck and tongue). Obviously, we understand the significant side effects and "quality of life" issues that come in the radiation package. The surgeon feels that if there were a recurrence, she could do more surgery and then radiation/chemo. Sister is not ready to jump on the bandwagon for radiation. Any thoughts, advice, experience, particularly with someone so young?

Sister, age 24, dx SCC 3/5/09, Stage IV T3N2M0, HPV-, 6x induction chemo (Cetuximab (Erbitux), Carboplastin, Taxol), 1/4 tongue removed and left modified radical neck dissection 5/14/09, started IMRT 7/7/09, 30tx, finished 8/14/09