Hello everyone. Since reading the information on this site about the link between HPV and Oral Cancer I asked David's Dr. about whether or not his tested positive for HPV.

His response was that it's not something they generally test for in hard palate tumors, that it was more common it is most common for tumors of the oropharynx or back of the throat, and treatment would be the same regardless. He is checking with pathology to see if there is a way to test it after the fact (his surgery was in January 09).

I wanted to see if anyone else has had a similar experience with having to ask for testing?

Mom of 4, wife and caregiver to David, 37 yrs old, diagnosed 12/4/08 SSC T4NXMX Maxillectomy on 1/8/09. 19 out of 30 scheduled rounds of IMRT Radiation Therapy. Cancer free!! (Last checkup 8/09) Next 10/23/09