When I had rad. It wasn't that bad. It was in a big open roon, wher you went in there was no door, the wall was about 18 inchs down short hall then just turn and go in no kind of door. I believe it was the same way where they were, I never heard a door, I could see them behind slass sometimes. They would talk to me. took about 5 mins. unless they were doing xrays, then it took longer, but they were there about all the time. they would lay a ring on my belly and ask me to hold on th it, they put a wedge under my knees, It just wasn't that bad, close your eyes and think about what your goin to do later or think about someone you would like to slap, get some anger out or think about the good. They cheated me I didin't get the fun part, the ghost, heavy doors slaming, tired down now, I couldn't take,I don't think. We have a newly built cancer center here, that may be why things are different.
The best of luck to you and its not that bad.

cancer surgery on July 7th. 2008, I'm now a survivor. cancer free for now. 39 radiation, and 8 chemo treatments.