It took my so called canker sore to show it's ugly head a couple of months. The first biospy showed inconclusive. I went back a few weeks later and I knew something was wrong because it had turned red and very sore. It came back cancer! When you go in for your results make sure you have someone there with you. Make sure you take notes and ask lots of questions. I hope you do not have to go on the journey that most of us have. But there is alot of support for you here if you need it. You are in my thoughts.

Tammy 43 yr non smoker- Dx-10/11/07 Stage 4 Tongue Cancer Surg.10/17/07, 1/4 Tongue and 14 Lymph nodes 5 positive, Peg tube/Chemo port,Chemo 3 wks/Radiation 6 wks begins 11/07 end 02/08.Teeth removed prior to radiation. PetScan 05/08 CLEAR 09/09. 2011 diag. w/osteoradionecrosis.100 HBO's