A is for Anniversary: This week marks the second anniversary of my son's diagnosis. It's brought up a lot of emotions and, surprisingly, not all of them have been bad. My son continues to be healthy and we are hopeful he will stay that way.
A is for Appreciation: I can't thank the good people on this website enough for all you did for my family when my son was ill. You answered questions, soothed my nerves and gave me a safe place to vent some very dark feelings.
A is for Amazon: When my son was diagnosed, my good friend and writing partner offered me the opportunity to co-write a book with her. It's a young adult novel called The Geek Girl's Guide to Cheerleading. It debuts on May 19th. We started a website a couple of months ago to promote the book and we are beginning to get some decent traffic to it. (Last month almost 800 people visited and our numbers continue to grow.)
A big part of our site is a blog where we talk about all kinds of geeky stuff. Sometimes we talk about other things though. Today, we posted a link to a journal that includes all of the entries I wrote while my son was sick. Along with that, we mentioned the OCF site, display the OCF logo, and we're asking anyone who is considering pre-ordering our book to follow a link to the home page here and order through your Amazon portal.
I'm sure it won't garner a huge amount of sales -- and it doesn't even begin to repay you for helping me and my family -- but I hope it brings in something.
If you'd like to see the post, it's here:
www.thegeekgirlsguide.comThank you again and I hope you all find good health and hapiness!
darcy (Matt's Mom)