Boston: Please update your father's information
1. It's good that your father got a PEG tube. When I did chemo (3 drug regimen), my mouth become extremely sore, I could swallow liguids orally only, but a PEG tube could be very useful in extreme cases especially with radiation.
2. If found that my initial reaction to the chemo was the strongest. With each treatment my body became accustomed to the cheo and the reaction wasn't as strong. I did lose my taste buds, lost appetite (probably became nothing tasted good), and I had a lot of fatigue. These are the most common complaints from patients, but there are other side effects that the doctor help with medication.
3. It's best to eat in small increments. Nothing hot or cold. Water tasted wrong, so I switched to Vitamen Water for hydration. It's pretty good and doesn't have a lot of sugar. Some things that worked for me was chicken broth and other cream soups, Carnation Instant Breakfast, pudding, apple sauce and yogert. I found my mouth so sore that I couldn't even eat Tapioca as the rice in it hurt my mouth. So stay smooth and creamy. Keep in mind that it's very important to maintain weight while in treatment so don't worry about fats, etc.
4. White Blood cells and platelets are affected by chemo. You're father will have blood tests, probably every 2 weeks, to check on levels. Eating protein helps. I would ask to speak to a nutritionist who could recommend foods that will help. My treatment was very agressive so I received a shot after every treatment which builds white bloods cells. Personally the shot caused more pain than the chemo. In some patients, it cause a lot of flat bone pain (such an in you chest.). So try to maintain as high a white blood cell count as possible to avoid the shot.
Hopefully, because you dad is receiving a mild drug, side effects won't be do bad. Remember I was taking 3 drugs simulaneously.
5. Depending on the chemo drug, your father may also receive intravenously some pain, nausea, hydration, etc. medicine. This will help him through the 1st 2-3 days of chemo. But the time in the chemo center will take longer. Most centers are set up to be very comfortable for the patients, some even provide TV, magazines, books, juice, coffee, etc. The nurses are great.
Please post what he will be receiving and for how long. No radiation?
Hope this helps
Sandy S.