I am home from the hospital after my last surgery. They were able to save the left side of my tongue and much of the back part. My new jaw moves pretty well but I can't open my mouth very wide yet. I can walk and talk some after 2 weeks and seem to be getting stronger each day. I have some questions and if anyone has the answers it would be appreciated. Will I be able to use my tongue, will it move? Can some people swallow well after this surgery? Is normal eating and talking possible?

Richard S

8/06 Dx; T3N1 SCC rt lat tongue & nodes. 9/06 part gloss, neck dissection. 9/06-12/06 35XRT; Cisplatin 3x. 2/08 & 5/08 Part gloss; Brachy 2x5 Tx. 7/08-10/08 HBO 60 Tx. 3/08 Dx SCC. Surgery 4/7/09 glossectomy & rt mandible replacement from fibula. 1/31/12 4th reoccur surgery and reconstruct cheek.