Rosalie .... I think one of the most important things we as patients have to remember in all of this is that we are the consumer. We are the ones who pay our Doctors, we employ them, not the other way around. You have every right to phone your physician with questions and you have every right to expect a decent response, and in a timely manner. Sometimes I think Doctors need to be reminded that we are full of fear, fear of the unknown and that without their help and input this cancer experience can become almost unbearable. Of course we want our questions answered.

When I was first diagnosed with tongue cancer my ENT, Dr. B pretty much took over the reins for me. He did most of the refering out to collegues of his that he worked with and I liked most of the Doctors he refered me to and they were known as the best Doctors in city. However, there was one exception -- I didn't like the oncologist he hooked me up with. At our first visit I felt he was being condesending and short with me and my ton of questions and I said to my husband that I didn't like the guy. I was scared and feeling very vulerable at that time and afraid to "rock the boat" as they say. Visit two, I felt the same way. Didn't like the guy. By the time I was admitted to the hospital for my first round of chemo I was thinking I needed to find someone else, but at this late date who would I find. So as I was getting adjusted in my new hospital room and getting ready for chemo my oncologist came in and immediately irritated me. Luckily for me I had a very intuitive nurse in the room with me that morning because after the Doctor left she said to me, "if you don't like him, you have every right to switch doctors." Who in the world is gonna take me at this late date I asked. She immediately brought me a list of oncologist and I began calling. I had three interviews that same day, in the hosptial, and finally chose a woman oncologist that I immediately clicked with. Long story short. I fired the admitting doctor with the head nurse at my side. I even took the time to explain to him why I was switching doctors which he didn't like one bit. Yeah, I was nervous and scared but I also new that what I was dealing with could be a life and death situation. I wanted someone I liked and trusted and someone whom I could talk freely with if it were to come down to that. And I got what I wanted, the best oncologist in town .... well, that might be my opinion, but it's the only opinion that counts!!! I am certainly not advocating for you to switch doctors but what I am saying is that we are the consumers in all of this and we have the right to be treated in a respectful manner. We have the right to ask questions over and over again and not feel guilty about it. We have enough on our plate without having to deal with an inconsiderate doctor. And remember, we are our own best advocate. Hang in there Rosalie, and keep us posted! Sincerely, Donna

SCC first time 1989, with a diagnoses of 'cancer in situ' removed lesion, no other treatments.
SCC recurrence 1997 of tongue and floor of the mouth. Stage III /IV Hemmiglossectomy (removed over 60% of tongue/ floor of the mouth), free flap, modified neck, RAD and Chemo(cisplatin, 5fu) simutainously.
Cancer free 6, yes, six, years!