Hello Everyone, I had a partial Glossectomy done 12/06 for stage 1 SCC. Recently I have noticed that where the incision is on my tongue i have developed some scar tissue. This is very tender and sometimes rubs against my bottom teeth and causes irritation. Also, when I eat certain foods with spice this seems to irritate it also. I guess what I want to know is this normal for the scar tissue to be so tender. I have looked at my tongue and do not see any sores. I can see the scar tissue and it is tender. I just had a routine Cat Scan done last week and I have an appointment this Monday 2/2/09 with my Oncologist for blood work and to check-up and to get the results of my Cat Scan. Then the following week I go see my ENT for routine check up and scoping. I am trying to stay positive but it is very hard. I am just worried about this tender area on my tongue. Any feed back would be appreciated.
Partial Glossectomy 12/06, stage 1 SCC, right side 11/07,stage III SCC in right side of neck 12/07, Modified neck dissection,48 lymph nodes removed,neg. 1/14/08 startedChemo-cisplatin once a week for 5 weeks, Radiation everyday for 5 weeks.Finished treatment 2/15/08. Cancer returned,sugery 4/5/10.