Well after over a week of mouth rinsing and pills, my doctor finally decided to do the biopsy on my tongue. It looks like a white callous to me but when someone else looked at it they said it looks like a canker sore that will not go away. So next Tues 10/7 it will happen. I'm really worried for I don't have any family members to rely on, my kids older and moved out and I can't depend on them,so I can't imagine what I would do if this comes out positive. The wait is a killer alone and i'm a reck everyday. Not sure if they have resources on what to do if I can't work and can't make the bills. I know i'm jumping ahead but Any suggestions?

April 05,SCC stage 2, tumor removed under tongue and floor of tongue, full neck disection with numerous lymph nodes removed. No radiation or chemo April 09, SCC stage 2 rt side of tongue 30% rt side removed, radiation will follow