I turned to this site many times in the past year for information . . .

I turned to you scared out of my mind and you comforted my, supported me and calmed me

I turned to you all for advice, support and prayers . . . you were always there . . .

What you have given to my Dad and myself will always be invaluable and precious to me . . .

My Dad passed away yesterday in his home with myself and my Stepmom by his side.

Courageously battling his oral cancer for a whole year . . .he was cancer free for only 5 months and it returned to his neck/shoulder area, deemed inoperable. His one attempt at re radiation and chemo landed him in the hospital for severe dehydration and a serious infection in the wound that cancer caused . . .

We told him it was finally time to let go, the Drs. could not believe how fast it was moving and nothing could be done. His pain was excruciating. So courageously, he chose to come home to the home and family that he dearly loved and let God decide.

I only two short weeks, His family, his friends, all came by to laugh and talk one last time and for a brief time he slipped into sleep and passed away in such peace. I myself held open the door to let his spirit and soul fly free. As I walked down to his garden (the vegetable garden that was always his love and joy) I felt such happiness and comfort for him. And I swear he was with me in the garden and I knew all was okay.

Today, I grieve for a man that I was lost touch with during the middle of my life. A man that found it so hard to say I love you, (but I knew he did) a man that seemed to stay in the background for a lot of my life until I had children. Right before my daughter was born, my Dad retired and drove one hour each way to my house 2 - 3 times a week to watch his grandchildren grow. For 9 years he shared every joy that I did with my children. He taught me how to grow a garden, taught me to sit down and have a cup of coffee and just talk about life, told me family stories. The day my son started kindergarten last year was the day he found out he has cancer. And for this year I drove him to every dr appointment, hospital, chemo/radiation. We told each other we loved each other everyday . . . he told me if only one good thing was to come out of this cancer was that we had found each other. He was my Dad, my friend and now my guardian angel. As I watched him leave this earth I told him to fly to the angels (which he was seeing days before he died). Rest in Peace my Dear, Dear Dad. And to all of you I wish you hope, strength and peace and my prayers will be with you.

I will never forget you.



Mandibular ressection, flap replacement and bilateral neck dissection 10/25/07. Two nodes cancerous, others clear.
Started IRMT 12/17/07 (34) and ERBITUX ( 6). 7/17/08 cancer returned neck and shoulder area. Passed on peacefully surrounded by love on 9/15/08. And yes, he did see angels. . .