Thank you all soooo much for your best wishes.

It certainly has been an ongoing struggle. Just the fact that the surgeon is making arrangements for me to get things moving this soon is an achievement in itself...

Jim .....I have read your posts and I know that you and some others who have had complications and ongoing problems can really relate to my long term frustration of being unable to eat - only people who go through this or are very very close to someone who has really understands the impact that this has on us and our lives.

Jerry.....I had 30 HBO treatments earlier this year before I had the teeth taken out and my jaw bone replaced / reconstructed. I actually asked whether I should go and have some more HBO's before getting implants and one of the Oral surgeons told me that the HBO treatments are good for about 8 to 10 years so therefore there would be no need for me to have any more.

It sounds like a long time doesn't it - but that is what he said.

That is probably also a really good thing considering what I have read here about the huge cost of the treatments over in the US compared to here in Australia. Each 'dive' here costs about $140.00. Insurance covered my 30 treatments.


Last edited by Karen Rose; 08-28-2008 07:07 PM.

46 yrs:
Apr 07-SCC 80% entire tongue removed,T4N1M0
Neck/D,Jaw Split, Trache 2 ops,PEG 3.5yrs
30 x rad,6 x Cisplatin,
30 x HBO
Apr'08- flap Recon + ORN Mandibulectomy
(hip bone to reconstruct jaw)
Oct'08 1 Plate out-jaw
Mar'09 Debulk flap
Sep'09/Jan&Nov'10/Feb&Jun'11/Jan&Jul'12/Oct'13/April'14-More surgery