I had a ct scan in march, 2005 that revealed a "thickening in my epiglottic fold" I freaked out needless to say. It turned out to be nothing, and was later told that i possibly wasnt expanded enough during the scan(something about how i held my breath during the pictures). I have been told there is still some thickening or some other changes caused by the scar tissue from radiation, but that is expected due to what we endured. As far as dealing with it, I still dont know the answer to that. I broke down in my mo's office today because i cant seem to get a handle on my residual pain. Radiation - the gift that keeps on giving! I hope this turns out to be nothing for you, but I think Tom offers some sound advice. I myself have to learn how to do it, relax, that is. Because being stressed is really just time wasted. I wish you luck for a good outcome.