Marvin has started having problems with his teeth. He went to our dentist who says he has a tooth that needs to be pulled along with a wisdom tooth next to it that should also come out. He sent us to an oral surgeo. We meet with him yesterday and were told that Marvin should see a specialist in Indianapolis to have HBO treatment. I was reading the other post on this and it seems to help most of the time. Has anyone had it and had problems with the gums still healing. Not sure as to how many treatments before and after yet. Of course when we first heard all this it just sent us back to thinking of all the issues we have overcome. The oral surgeon suggested to just remove the tooth that is bad and that the wisdom tooth be left in after they remove the other one because he doesn't think it will be a problem if the bad tooth is out of the way. The wisdom tooth is growing in sideways into the bad tooth.

CG for Marvin.