Hi everyone,
I hope you all know how important your thoughts and prayers are to my mom. Your cards and packages make her days easier. She has a great supportive family to fight with her, but it is you guys who truly understand what she is going through.
Mom is doing well. Her second round was hell compared to the first. She was hospitalized after a few days with the 5FU pump. She couldn't breath normally and wasn't able to make sense of anything that was going on. It was pretty scary, but they stopped the pump and within a few hours she was feeling better. She kept saying she felt drugged (which she was with all the chemo and other meds). We had to stay over night in the hospital because the Dr thought she had pneumonia. The nurses treated her horribly as did the doctor who was there. It was a really awful. We got her home so she is doing a million times better now.The fatigue and bone pain have lessened so she is able to be more active. She even drove a mini-racecar when our family went to Motor World for the fourth. One more round of the chemo and then we can see if it has done it's job. Her voice has come back and she no longer chokes all the time those were symptomatic of her new tumors so we are feeling optimistic.
I wish mom could write this herself, but her neck is so stiff she has a hard time using the computer. That medi-port has given her so much trouble, we can't wait to get it taken out.
Again thank you all for your thoughts and prayers, trust me mom can feel them.
With Love from Mom,

Last edited by Amymcca; 07-05-2008 10:16 PM.

Lost my mother, Minnie, to Oral Cancer October 29th, 2008. I am so thankful she had the OCF to help her through her five year struggle.