Hi -
I hope this is how I start a thread.
I am having right marginal mandibulectomy June 17.
Symptom: Sore bump around Buccal molar with white patch.
Diagnoses (3 labs,2 biopsies):
Snip biopsy:
Fungus or Buccal Squamous Cell Carcinoma.
Larger biopsy:
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Severe dysplasia (the final diagnosis from Yale-New Haven Hospital).
CT scan - normal.
However, between the roots is soft tissue, not bone, so something is going on.
All recommended removing the lesion.
But I have no idea what comes after surgery. I hope you can answer some questions for me:
Swelling - how long, how much?
Recovery time?
How long on liquid/soft diet?
Chewing ability?
Jaw strength.
Head/neck surgeon said something about implants later, but is it possible?
Basically, I'd like to know what to look forward to.
I take a blood thinner, so my healing may take longer, but the most unusual thing about my case is that I'm a ventriloquist. Not moving my jaw is the point - but how much will this affect my speaking ability?
Thanks so much -

Marginal mandibulectomy 6/17/08 resulted in DX of Stage I SCC - gingiva (3 mm) right mandible, buccal side. Clear margins. Occasional social drinker. Smoked last cigarette in 1979. Clear pet: 12/08; 7/20/09. Yay!