As promised I saw my RO and asked him about the second rad TX. He explained it by saying that the second round was started out of deparation on patients who no other options. It was found that they started having success, especially when it had been a while since the initial tx. Also, the first time the TX covered the face from below the eye sockets to the collar bone. This time, it is very localized to just the area of the tumor, the back of the throat between the tonsils.

As he said, radiation is a matter of degrees. A third degree burn on the back of your hand will scar, but not kill. A third degree burn, the same intesity, over 80% of your body is a death sentance.

Made sense to me.

Plus I don't have many options.

SCC lf tonsil. Tx started 03/07/07,39 rads,8 docetaxel & 4 bevacizumab. Re-occured 02/19/08 back of throat. Tx35 rads 8 chemo. Tx started 05/05/08. PEG re-inserted April,2007.