This summer with the financial help from long time OCF supporter Laclede, the makers of Biotene dry mouth products, OCF will finally be adding full and part time individuals to move us forward and have a greater impact in the world of awareness and early detection. We have also decided that we will establish state chapters of OCF to handle free screening events, awareness events in cooperation with other institutions such as the one this month at NYU, and interface with patient groups, donors, and local professional medical and dental organizations in the state. The state chapter coordinators will be essentially handled like many other organizations, initially drawn from the ranks of volunteers and then when financially feasible, these could become at least part time paying positions as it grows. Obviously given equal skill sets, these state coordinator situations would best be served by people from the ranks of OCF survivors and family members if I have that choice. No one understands it all better than them. Anyone who has an interest in this and would like to discuss it with me, please let me know. Additionally, if you know someone who may fill one of the positions listed on the OCF jobs and grants page please feel free to refer them to me as well. Send me a PM with any contact and I'll get back to you quickly.

Brian, stage 4 oral cancer survivor. OCF Founder and Director. The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.