
Try some good ole aloe vera gel(usually on the shelf with suntan lotions and such) on those burns. Seemed to work the best for Bill. Its soothing and cool and isn't greasy, so easy on clothing and "soaks" in easily.

We felt like it made an amazing difference in the itchy, burny and irritated skin.

Deb [/quote]

Hi Deb
I did buy some aloe for the reasons you stated (standard treatment for sunburns) and Craig applied it a few times with good results, but he took it to the hospital with him and they told him *not* to use it and prescribed him something else. Not sure what their problem was with it. They also told him not to use a moisturizer with an SPF which I also find odd (surely sun exposure to the radiation area is bad?).

Anyway, makes it kind of difficult to win that argument now wink

Marina, wife of Craig, 52 former smoker/drinker quit 9 years ago.
dx Feb 2008, SCC Stage 4a Tongue with mets to left and right neck lymph nodes.
Cisplatin x 3 and concurrent IMRT x 35 (scheduled to end May 1/08)
We have two children, 3 and 2, and #3 is on the way.