Thanks everyone for all your helpful input!

I can't find Aquaphor in the drugstores. I'm in Canada and they don't seem to carry it here. I have a friend in Boston, and so I'm going to see if he can grab some and ship it to me quickly.

I'll be bugging my RO for Biafine as well.

My weight is still good. And I'm feeing fit as well and hitting the gym 4 times a week right now. That's a bit less than normal for me, but it's enough to maintain tone and fitness if I can continue it.

They stuck me with a PEG tube when I started, but I haven't used it yet. It was annoying and painful at first, but now I can do crunches and other abdominal exercises without pain.

However, food really tastes bad right now. I'm consuming alot of protein + fruit smoothies, and adding in high calorie stuff like ice cream and coconut milk to maximize calorie intake and it seems to be working. I'm finding that cold stuff through a straw is easier to get down than warm stuff that needs some chewing.

Another concern however is chemo. 3 weeks ago I did my first round of cisplatin (100mg/m2). I was supposed to do round 2 this past Monday, but my neutrophil count was too low. We tried again today but it's still too low. They want to wait another week now before trying again.

The medical oncologist says I appear to be sensitive to the cisplatin. Is this sort of thing common? Given that I'm 44, very fit physically,and eating well, this is a surprise to me.