Thanks guys.
I just talked to the nurses in the hospital (thank god for TimeWarnerCable and their .07c a minute UK charges!).
She is going into kidney failure, she's stable at the moment but she is very very sick.
I am going to call back again in a few hours to set up an appointment to talk to her oncologist via telephone. It's not that I don't trust Ray and my twin, but I have more experience with cancer than they do.
I think this is "it"..........the beginning of the end.....from what has been described to me she's the same as my father in law was last year when he started deteriorating.
I just talked to DonnaRose an hour ago, and I will make her my main contact for this board. I'll come on and update as I can.
Thank you for all your support. You guys have been sooooooooo wonderful to my mum and I can't thank you enough.
I'll update you tomorrow.