My Mom asked me to post and ask what to expect post treatments for my Dad. Hopefully, he will only have about another week of rad/chemo. He is having a hard time right now, not being able to swallow, dry mouth, spitting up, nothing tastes good in his mouth, not getting enough in his PEG, name it. Mom just feels like she needs to be prepared. Its been so hard on her. Thanks everyone for always being so helpful! smile

Dad: Age 65 Heavy smoker/drinker. Biopsy-No surgery. Cancer base of tongue/throat. "Invasive Squamous Carcinoma RRT" --Beginning 1/9/08: IMRT treatments (5X/wk),chemo pills (4/day) and Chemo IV (once/wk) PEG tube inserted 1/25/08. Treatments ended 2/26/08

JUNE 30, 2008 Officially CANCER FREE!!!