Hi. My sister is in the midst of a tongue cancer diagnosis. Biopsy of the tongue showed squamous cell, CAT scan showed a swollen lymph node (but have been assured it's really not too swollen) and a PET is scheduled for Thursday. So, it's all really new and options are not even known at this point - other than knowing that the rest of the area on the tongue that is affected will have to have a wider excision. The ENT she went to was okay but since she's in the medical field herself she really wants to have the best possible surgeon so that she doesn't have to keep going back for surgeries on such a sensitive area.
I'm reading some great things about Sloan Kettering. We're in New Jersey so NY and PA are both convenient. Can anyone recommend a doctor? It's a scary place to be and we want the best possible care for our sister.
And a special "Hello" to my 4 sisters who I'm sure will find this post in the next few days while doing their research!