Hey Nick, It's not easy. I had the free flap done in addition to doing radiation and chemotherapy. Mine was a hemiglossectomy so I lost about half the tongue. After the free flap surgery I went into chemo and radiation finishing up on November 7 2007. i was at the end of my rope at that time. I wasn't able to taste anything and all this mucus kept clogging my throat. My energy level was pretty much nonexistant. However with a good spirit and knowing that patience is is the key i got through it. I now pretty much have all my taste back and am running, swimming, biking, and lifting weights I even signed up for a half marathon in march and am hoping to do a triathlon a few months after that. So it's certainly possible to regain what was lost if your willing to work and have good support. I wish you the best-Kurt

Last edited by Martine81; 02-04-2008 12:43 PM.

25 yr old. Dx 11 July 07 originated in tongue Stage IV. 3 surgeries had clear margins Had a hemiglossectomy 13 Aug and radical neck disection - Left side. chemo/rad Started 24 Sep 07 Finished 7 November 07-Never Smoked Drank on special Occasions