Well I made i through the day !! Gabrielle's surgery is over. They ended up taking 11 teeth. She is in good spirits and dosent seem to be feeling that bad. She did get sick , due to anestisia and the amount of blood she is swallowing ,

I did Well today ...well until I went in with her to wait for the Gas to kick in and her to fall asleep...Yea Not so much ..we don't fall right asleep from that stuff..It was like a seen outta the exorcist,,very upseting...thrashing and trying to get up and her eyes with huge it was almost like she couldnt breathe, they were holding her down and telling me it was NORMAL..

so of course They removed me from the room and the whole time during surgery I was paranoid she wasnt OK ! LOL..

But she was and she is !! And if the Node swells alot again then we biopsy , now the other side is swollen, so I still dont know.

But the hard (or one of the hard parts ) part is over and I can go get my biopsy now ..or see what they want to do anyhow !!

Thanks to all of you for being there !

35 year old Female Non smoker, very occasional alcohol ..Scc T1N0M0,partial glossectomy and left neck disection ,2/9/07 No rad deemed ness. 4/16 tonsillectomy ..Trimengenial Neuralga due to surgery