My base of tongue cancer was treated successfully in Summer 2001. I couldn't swallow for four years and it turned out to be something easy that didn't get diagnosed by a couple xray swallowing tests or by my repeated complaints to my ENT. Turns out I had a stricture ring (I think that's what it was called) 20 centimeters into my esophagus (measuring from the back of my teeth). An esophagus dilation took care of it and opened up my 'ring' from a size 5 to a size 14 (guess normal people are size 20). Anyway, I was just like your husband, choking on everything, even a single piece of corn. Thank goodness those days are gone. Maybe this will help you. My doctors said my 'stricture ring' was unrelated to my radation, but it had to be the reason because the swallowing problem started when the treatment got going.