
, I don't know if any of us can ever truley know what to expect . and I am soooo sorry you are going through this. I am glad you called the DR , you don't want to mess around with too much swelling in the face I do know that . and I have heard of therapsit as Billy said for the lymphedema. I too deal with it , but mine is all under chin and in neck. And I Am not scary looking ..( well I am , but you know what I mean ) medically . If anything dosent look or feel right then call and ask, it dosent hurt .. PLease let us know how she is ..and how you are !!


35 year old Female Non smoker, very occasional alcohol ..Scc T1N0M0,partial glossectomy and left neck disection ,2/9/07 No rad deemed ness. 4/16 tonsillectomy ..Trimengenial Neuralga due to surgery