A battery is a good description hubby said.

Hubby did not have his tonsil removed either.
It was located as the primary only thru a PET Scan. Tumor board recomended radiation. We then waited 6 weeks, so he could finish "cooking", and had another PET done rather than have surgery immediatly after rads. PET came back clear.
He goes every 2 months for follow up.

Had a bit of a scare 9/25. Dr at his regular 2 month appt found a 1/2" lesion on the same tonsil. Said it had to be removed. Since the DRs regular surgery day is Friday we went in and did it w/i 3 days. It was sent to pathology while he was still in surgery and came back
CLEAR smile
Just iratated (sp?) from the radiation.
Never heard such great words. They did remove 1/2 the tonsil when they did the biopsy tho.


caregiver to husband
right tonsil stage 3
35 IMRT TX completed 1/5/2007
PET Scan clear 3/07
biopsy 9/07 clear
1st yr PET scan 12/18/07 clear