Hello. I just finished thirty-five sessions of radiation and three sessions of chemotherapy for cancer on the base of the tongue and in the lymph nodes of my neck. I'm worried, because I cannot find anything at all that does not burn when I eat or drink it. I used to be able to drink instant breakfast, but it burns. I can eat cream of wheat, but that is certainly not enough. Could you please give me some suggestions for foods to try and approaches to eating? I do not have a feeding tube. I had a severe allergic reaction to the fentanyl patch and to morphine. I am able to take hydrochodone once or twice a day, but it just takes the edge off the pain. Nothing actually stops it. I have huge ulcers under and along side my tongue on both sides and white blisters (not thrush) on top of my tongue. The last time I wrote, I had not yet begun treatment. Because of encouragement from this site, I had the full treatment. However now I am once again in need to hear some experienced voices. What steps can I take to eat again?
Thank you!