I hear ya, mpmma- my husband is 8wks past rads and 3 past chemo. he is still in severe pain for his throat. The Dr. said it just takes time. He hardly eats anything by mouth. thank goodness for his tube.It is so frustrating for him and also for me. I just don't know what else to do. He is on roxicet which helps some and like you the muscus has subsided a bit. He says he feels like a semi-truck hit him. NO energy but they say it will come back!! Hang in there, 'cause what else can we do. LJ

CG to husband 53,39 rads. 3 rds cisplastin ended 6/2/07 Tonsils removed 1.10.07 11 of 20 nodes positive- lump removed on rt. side of neck 1/26/07 cancer of nasal pharnyx TXN2MX 2nd rd. of chemo- carbo/taxol on 6/11/07