I can totally relate to the neck cramps. I'm now 21 months post treatment, and I am still getting fairly frequent severe muscle spasms at the base of my skull. They seem to be triggered by certain positions. If I look down or over my shoulder in either direction, it will trigger a spasm, and Pete is right, they'll knock you to your knees.
The last time I saw my ENT, she offered a prescription which would increase circulation, but I opted to try to work it out with PT instead. Unfortunately I didn't write down the name of the drug she was talking about. I see her again in a couple of weeks, and I'll ask again. She said it's likely yet another manifestation of the poor circulation in the irradiated areas.
I have seen some limited improvement with stretching and strengthening exercises, but it's still pretty frustrating.
I'm sorry I can't offer much more than I have. I hope the info helps.

Good Health


SCC Stage IV right tonsil T3N3M0. Dx 08/03. Clinical Trial:8 weeks Taxol, Carboplatin then Hydrea, 5FU, IMRT x's 48, SND, Iressa x 2yrs. Now 20 years out and thriving. Dealing with a Prostate cancer diagnosis now. Add a Bladder cancer diagnosis to all the fun.
It's always something
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