Hi Tami --

No, I do not have a medical background but I am a research biologist by training (marine micobiology) and was at U. MD biotech Institute for some years. I think this made it easier to research stuff and to ask questions, also doctors do not intimidate me.

On the PEG issue -- I was interested to hear from someone who is just starting her treatment at Hopkins that they put in a PEG, then a week later, after the failures) took it out and replaced with the "button" that's been mentioned on this forum.

Barry does have to work at eating as his throat is sore and inflamed. He's been using his gargles and being careful with timing pain meds and so far has been doing well, but it is not easy. Soft or liquids only for now! I am encouraged at how well some are doing that are a few weeks ahead of him, so keeping fingers crossed!
