Hi Cindy,

I'm nine months removed from treatment. Have not had a cold or any other ailment. Neither have several people I know here locally who are in remission. I think you may be a little too worried. I plan on having a flu shot this fall, but I think my immune system is fine. Also, I think it is a function of each individual. I think we may all react differently. I started working out two weeks after my disection. My wife thought it was too soon, but I felt I needed the exercise. I did not regret beginning exercise.

I assume he is getting monthly checks by his ENT? I think Harry know how he feels and would go by what he thinks.


SCC, base of tongue, 2 lymph nodes, stage 3/4. 35 X's IMRT radiation, chemo: Cisplatin x 2, 5FU x2, & Taxol x2. Hooray, after 3 years I'm in still in remission.