
Please remember that even suspicious looking things can sometimes turn out to be harmless. A few months ago I had a small white bump that appeared on my gum (and reminded me way too much of what my tumor had looked like years ago in its early stages). My oral surgeon examined it, ruled out several possibilities, and ended up doing a biopsy. The results came back saying it was a benign neuroma. My doctor said he has seen quite a few of these in other patients in different areas on the tongue (usually caused by some type of chronic irritation), but this was the first he had seen on the gum. I had a pretty good idea in my case what the source of the irritation was (an over-the-counter mouth guard I had been using at night), so I've stopped using it.

I hope your husband gets clear test results that can give him (and you) some peace of mind.


Tongue SCC (T2M0N0), poorly differentiated, diagnosed 3/89, partial glossectomy and neck dissection 4/89, radiation from early June to late August 1989