On my medical oncologist visit last week he decided to order a bone scan, wondering if the cancer had spread to the bones and was causing pain. The good news is that the bone scan did not indicate any metastatic cancer! The "other" news is that I have 2 broken ribs, degenerative osteoarthritis in my right hip and my left shoulder. I can almost hear my grandmother's voice, ...''my, my, you are so young to be going through this...". Now I get to add an ortho surgeon to the team. Just a cardiologist and neurologist away from a COMPLETE team!

Does chemo or radiation contribute to arthritis? I know the area in the shoulder (acromioclavicle joint) was brown from radiation. Both the shoulder and hip no longer rotate.


SCC Stage IV, BOT, T2N2bM0
Cisplatin/5FU x 3, 40 days radiation
Diagnosis 07/21/03 tx completed 10/08/03
Post Radiation Lower Motor Neuron Syndrome 3/08.
Cervical Spinal Stenosis 01/11
Cervical Myelitis 09/12
Thoracic Paraplegia 10/12
Dysautonomia 11/12
Hospice care 09/12-01/13.
COPD 01/14
Intermittent CHF 6/15
Feeding tube NPO 03/16
VFI 12/2016
ORN 12/2017
Cardiac Event 06/2018
Bilateral VFI 01/2021
Thoracotomy Bilobectomy 01/2022
Bilateral VFI 05/2022
Total Laryngectomy 01/2023