Hello, Jen. It has been slightly more than a year since I was in your husband's spot, but I remember the spitting. The thickened saliva flow can last for a couple of weeks or even a bit longer. I figured out two things that helped me. First, Puffs brand tissues are the softest for wiping out one's sore mouth, and secondly, roll up some gauze loosely, and put one roll in each "gutter" of his mouth. This will sop up the saliva for a few hours so he can sleep, or go out in public, or just get a break from the spitting and wiping. For some folks, this just tapers off, but for me, one morning I woke up and it was gone, happy day! The important thing to remember is that it WILL end! Try to never lose sight of the fact that each day done is one day closer to getting back to Real Life.