Grant, welcome to the site and thank you very much for your insight on this subject. A couple of observations: most, if not all, of our current meds comes from (or originally came from) some natural source, as I understand it. So it is not unexpected to me that there are some natural things that will help various ailments. Also, as I recall, sharks have never been found with any cancer in them so there may yet be a substance out there somewhere that will insulate humans from this disease. I say, let's keep looking.

The other thing is to note that as you mentioned, Zenda is at the beginning of her treatment. By the end, I had problems with my white blood cell count so I was put on Procrit. It is a drug given once a week for 8 weeks or so to improve blood counts and worked quite well for me. If Zenda has difficulties later on, please keep Procrit in mind as it adds to the energy level of rad patients. It really helped me and I was on it for two different occasions for 6 weeks and then 4 weeks.

Lastly, the job you have is sometimes a lot harder than being a patient. You are a member of the sainthood of caregivers. Remember that to be a good caregiver, part of your job is to be good to yourself so you can give that extra bit when necessary, so take time for yourself when you can. The battle before you can be difficult, but you all can win it and beat this disease. God bless.

Regards, Kirk Georgia
Stage IV, T1N2aM0, right tonsil primary, Tonsilectomy 11/03, 35 rad/3cisplatin chemo, right neck dissection 1/04 - 5/04.