I am caregiver to husband who is three years from treatment 12/5/03, nasopharynx cancer, stage 2/3. I just spent the longest week of this three year period. Back in June RO found pea sized lump, sent him for a pet scan and to ENT. Both said he was fine but then I saw the report and there was some suspicious activity in original site, that wasn't of concern to either doctor. We had to find a new ENT as other retired and I brought reports with me. After second visit. with my hisband suffering from thrush from taking antibiotics in August and two months on nystatin. he decided to take biopsy as he didn't like what he saw. He said he never saw thrush cause such inflammation. After a week of waiting, Hurrah no cancer cells. He did say that there are abnormal cells that are pre cancerous but that is not surprising because of radiation and that they will watch them very carefully, At the preasent time everything is ok. Great news after such a wait (probably due to holiday.)
However he suffers from constant mucus since end of treatment, but it seems to be worse since thrush and hoping with a stronger medication(duflican) he will start to feel better.
Just happy to have good news and want to share it with all. Remember it is not cancer until they say it is. Thanks for all the postings. I tend to read more than I post. Eileen