
Thank you so much for sharing. The bond you are developing with your sister sounds so much like the one I shared with my daughter Heather. It is both an awe-inspiring and heart-wrenching experience to help a loved one during their battle with cancer. Your sister is very lucky to have you and it sounds like you are doing everything right. Discussing funeral plans is surely one of the hardest things one must do and it sounds like you handled it superbly. (I hope you don't have to use them for many, many years.) I can tell you are going to be a source of inspiration for people on this forum. Welcome and thank you!

Rainbows & hugs, wink

Was primary caregiver to my daughter Heather who had stage IV base of tongue SCC w/ primary recurrence. Original diagnosis August 21st, 2002. Primary recurrence March 18th, 2003. Died October 6th, 2003.