Wish I could be, but I will be in Houston during that period. While you are there please look up Dr. Ross Kerr at NYU who is heavily involved with the students that are putting on the walk event. He is a really great guy and a huge oral cancer advocate. Ross was the one that saw that I was honored with a membership in the American Academy of Oral Medicine this year. I think the two of you will really hit it off. If you want his contact info before you go just let me know but without doubt he will be at the registration booth on the day of the walk. Also please make it a point to introduce yourself to Dean Mike Alfano who will be around. I owe Mike more than I can detail here, and he has been a long term and huge supporter of both OCF and me personally. You can see a couple of awards that I was on the receiving end of in the about us section, press releases. Both were presented to me by Mike. He has been a major factor in helping me find the original direction of OCF and making key introductions for me.

For you, Barb, and any other OCF walkers that are attending.... please contact me by email for free OCF shirts to wear at the walk if you like.

Brian, stage 4 oral cancer survivor. OCF Founder and Director. The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.