You are a champ.
Tom and I will join in the effort
This site was a true life line during the hardest year we've spent - alone or together. The optimistic posts coupled with the 'grass roots' experiences that were shared so generously pulled both of us through. The many prayers were felt; we continue to offer those for everyone here - and those who haven't yet found this special site.
I have been away from the board for awhile. Computer problems contributed to the absence, but I think I've tried to forget about what happened and focus on full recovery. When Tom began asking, "how is ------ doing?", I realized that I've neglected the board.
We are with you all in spirit, and we'll send dollars, too. I think I might just return to selling pies and quiches to raise some money, as well

Fun way to make a buck!
All the best
PS....send me your blackjack tips. We may be headed for Vegas next month. Business, of course.