Dear Angie, I too am at a loss for words here. However I have to say something to you for being such a wonderful love force in Kim's life. I too have a 24 year old child and I cannot for the life of me even begin to think about seeing this happen to him. You have been so blessed to have been able to be there with her and hold her hand thru all of this. I do not know you but you have touched my life in so many ways. I also know that you will continue to grow and you will blossom into even a greater person that you already are. You have the rest of your life to finish living the life that Kim could not live. I beg of you to do this. Live, Laugh and Love. On my Mother's monument these words are written--Memories are one gift from GOD that death cannot destroy. This is a true statement. Thank GOD for the ability to have MEMORIES. Forever in my heart,,Miss Vicki.....Live for all of us...